Permanently Redirect All Traffic to any URL with .htaccess

Permanently Redirect All Traffic to any URL with .htaccess

This article explains how to use a simple Apache .htaccess code snippet to permanently redirect all traffic from your website to another domain, specifically This type of redirect is achieved with a status code 301 (Moved Permanently), which tells search engines and browsers that the content has definitively moved to a new location.

Here’s the code:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [L,R=301]

How it works:

  • RewriteEngine On: This line enables the mod_rewrite module in Apache, which is required for URL rewriting functionality.
  • RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [L,R=301]: This is the main rule that performs the redirection. Let’s break it down:
    • ^(.*)$: This is a regular expression that matches any request URI (everything after the domain name in the URL).
    • This is the target URL where users will be redirected.
    • [L,R=301]: These are flags that define how the rewrite rule is applied:
      • L (last): This flag instructs Apache to stop processing rewrite rules after this rule is applied.
      • R=301: This flag specifies a 301 redirect status code, indicating a permanent move.

Important Considerations:

  • This code redirects all traffic to [invalid URL removed]. Make sure this is your intended behavior before implementing it.
  • Redirecting a large website can take time for search engines to recognize the change. You may need to submit your sitemap to search consoles to expedite the process.
  • Consider SEO implications: Permanent redirects can affect your website’s search engine ranking. Ensure [invalid URL removed] has the content and structure relevant to your original website.


  • If you only want to redirect specific pages or folders, you can modify the RewriteRule pattern to be more specific.
  • There are other redirect types (e.g., temporary redirects) that might be suitable depending on your specific needs.

For more advanced rewrites and SEO considerations, consult the Apache documentation on mod_rewrite:


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